More happiness, less suffering
One Breath at a Time
Located inside beautiful and historic Unity Temple on the Plaza, TBC is a community that practices Western Buddhism, a blend of eastern philosophy and western psychology. This new and exciting form of spirituality is dynamic, inclusive, active, and focuses on core Buddhist insights, mindfulness, meditation and their practical application in our daily life. Our goal is not to get everyone to agree on a specific lineage, sect or philosophy, but rather on a shared experience of mindfulness, oneness, and love. A regular service consists of chanting, guided & silent meditation, a Dharma talk that blends Buddhist teachings and philosophy with western psychology for a practical approach to our spiritual awakening.
Sunday Dharma Talk
Each Sunday we offer an online service at 9am, and in-person services at 9am and 10:30am. Services are held at Unity Temple on the Plaza, 707 W 47th St, Kansas City, Missouri.
Youth meditation is available for ages 4 to 12 at our 10:30am service.
Childcare available for ages 4 and younger during the 10:30am service.
Livestream every Sunday: 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Post-Service Discussion via Zoom and in-person 10:15 - 11:15 a.m.
Post-Service Discussion for the 10:30am service is in-person only at 11:45am
Always Learning
Whether we are exploring the basics of Buddhism, refining the forms of Tai Chi Chih or plumbing the depths of Vipassana meditation, our community embraces learning!
Our talented and gifted teachers hold a safe place for sharing and expression; come join us!
All of our Sunday lessons have been archived and edited for easy access.
Read short, topical "mini-lessons" and blog-style articles from our TBC teachers
If you're on Facebook, be sure to follow us for updates and weekly live meditations
Find meditations, talks and chanting from your favorite TBC teachers on this popular format.
Meet the practitioners behind our events, classes, and weekly meditations
Temple Buddhist Center is honored to partner with these organizations and share our intentions for an awakening world.
Please give with a generous heart, which means not in return for something you have received but so those who seek refuge may find it here.
Visit our online shop for the latest TBC Merch. From stickers to coffee mugs to t-shirts, you'll find what you're looking for.

Meditate with us
TBC has many opportunities throughout the week to connect in consciousness and join with others in noble silence.
Wishes of the Heart
TBC will write your message on a ribbon to be held in meditation, shared with the four winds and delivered, with love, to the universe.