Maitri: embracing the truth of the moment

The calendar says we have begun a new year! And with that I can sense a subtle judgement about the old year. "Good riddance" I hear myself say, "this year will be so much better" as hope springs eternal. This same mind-state compares yesterday with today, or even you with me, it never stops. When lost in delusion there is constant judging of what I said then to what I am saying now, what I did, with what I should have done, not to mention how I project all this onto others.

Ha! if I am present I can see the judgment about judging!

To quote a line from the movie The Help: "Ain't you tired?"

Meditation takes us just as we are, confused or clear, anxious or excited, happy or sad. With this breath, there is complete acceptance of ourselves as we are; it is simple, and is a direct relationship with being. In the Tibetan tradition this is called Maitri. It is an embracing of the truth of this moment and the truth of what has arisen - bare attention, free of judgement, story or commentary. Space around the mind-state or emotion is expanded, the heart is opened and we rest in this allowing of all phenomena.

In meditation we cultivate Maitri and clear seeing: there is less self-deception and we are more honest with ourselves. We practice dropping the stories about then and now, should and shouldn't. We learn to stay with emotions without proliferating and open the fearful heart to the aliveness of this moment. In meditation we make the choice to be present and attend to mind/body fully here and now. There is a tenderness in this practice inherent in our ability to love. May we renew our commitment to practice for the benefit of all beings in all places.


There is a special silence,

that comes with the falling snow;

as if every flake has a secret,

it shares only with the cold.

And still there is a part of me,

that knows this quiet song, that falls with grace,

like a snowflake from heaven's open palm.

And comes to light on ledge or leaf,

on field or freckled face,

and here I sit...amazed,

that neither is ever in the wrong place.



Shame [Part 2]


Shame [Part 1]